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How does Interactive writing enhance marketing processes? 

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Have you ever wondered why reading some pieces of writing bore you while others make you want to keep reading? Read on to understand the elements that compel readers to keep reading a piece of writing.

1. Relatability and Connection

Relatable content always piques readers' interest as they find a feeling of validation in anything relatable. Relatability validates a reader’s thought processes or experiences, thus creating a connection between the writer and reader, making space for the reader to feel a sense of belongingness and acceptance. In this manner, relatability brings about connection.

You will find that the best way to bring about relatability and connection in any piece of writing is by being genuine. Human beings share a lot of things that are constant despite our differences. Everyone has felt happiness, sadness, fear, curiosity, and many other feelings that can be very relevant and relatable to any reader’s life. You never know who might deeply resonate and connect with what you put out there, especially when you're being honest and genuine about your take on something.

Graphic: A man scrolling through a tablet, reading an article. His call-out reads, “OMG me too!”

2. Making room for unconventional thinking

This may seem to contradict the relatability point, but not quite! Yes, relatability helps with making a piece of writing more conversational and interactive. However, unconventional thought processes challenge people to broaden their perspectives and get them thinking too! In fact, if you are writing about something unusual, orthodox, and out of the box and providing an alternative perspective on something, this can capture a reader’s interest by providing inspiration or encouraging innovative thinking.

So, do not hesitate to give your readers your personal take and opinion no matter how “against the grain” you deem it to be. They needn’t accept your perspective, but it will get them thinking nonetheless! A writer always has the freedom to share a personal perspective or the opportunity to expose readers to an unconventional way of thinking!

A real mind-catcher? A piece of writing that has both unconventional elements as well as relatable elements.

Graphic: a woman holding a magnifying glass, emerging out of a box titled ‘Common Notions’.

3. Engagement: Conversing with readers

Engagement involves creating a connection, so conversing with your readers is essential! It is how you capture their attention enough to stay on your article till the very end! Creating a connection with your readers is important because it allows for the space of indifference between the writer and reader to be bridged.

Interactive writing involves conversing with readers. Using a conversational tone means engaging a reader as if the piece of content is speaking directly to them. This enhances the reader's experience and makes any piece of writing more captivating.

Graphic: A hand holding a phone, swiping a reaction on Instagram’s ‘Scroll’ feature to the text “This is amazing. Don’t you agree?”

4. Building familiarity through writing

Relatability validates people’s ideals or thought processes, whereas familiarity develops trust. Building familiarity is important as humans are known to find security in the feeling of familiarity. From a psychological perspective, familiarity makes people feel safe and gives them a chance to trust. It is important to add elements of sentiment or emotion that evoke this feeling of familiarity in readers.

This could be done by discussing a general sentiment about life that most people share. Be it needing a comfortable space to come home to or help cope with common stressors. Of course, these elements of familiarity would circle back to the “why” behind your product or service.

Graphic: A man playfully recalls shared game night activities to a co-worker watching a similar video on a laptop.

Final thoughts

Interactive writing contributes significantly to the processes of marketing and entrepreneurship. It focuses on the one thing all human beings are naturally wired for, which is connection. Building a connection between a writer and a reader is a creative process that feels as old as time, however, it is a skill that can be a very crucial part of marketing processes.

Communication is an essential part of any relationship and the relationship between a writer and a reader is no exception to that truth. Know more about how can you make your article more interactive and the power and persuasiveness of copywriting.


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